1 Poem by Jay Frankston

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1 Poem by Jay Frankston


THERE IS NO SINGLE MESSIAH as we expected there would be a second or a first coming of. But it is here. It is with us now. This is the age of the messiahs. There are two thousand of them. Two thousand very special beings living among us. Some of them know that their lives are a channel and direct the energy as it comes through. They accept it and dedicate their lives to the conveyancing. They build Zendoes and wear robes, and disciples acknowledge their calling. 

But there are two thousand of them. And some of them live in cities and on farms where they lead ordinary lives and are mistaken for ordinary people. They are quiet and unassuming yet their lives are a beacon in the night and through them the universal energy flows. 

THERE ARE TWO THOUSAND MESSIAHS. Look around you. Look for them among the people you meet every day, among your acquaintances, among your friends, look in the mirror once in a while. 


Jay Frankston was raised in Paris , France . Narrowly escaping the Holocaust, he came to the U.S. in 1942, became a lawyer and practiced on his own in New York for nearly twenty years, reaching the top of his profession, sculpting and writing at the same time. In 1972 he gave up law and New York and moved himself and his family to Northern California where he became a teacher and continued to sculpt and write. He is the author of several books and of a true tale entitled "A Christmas Story" which was published in New York , condensed in Reader's Digest, translated into 15 languages, and called a Christmas Classic by many reviewers. El Sereno , his latest novel, is a short epic set in Spain with authentic historical background. It took ten years and two trips to Madrid to complete. 

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